Nasal Breathing
Protect Your Teeth From Mouth Breathing
If you would have asked the medical profession of ages past whether it was preferable to breath through your nose rather than your mouth, it would be common knowledge that nasal breathing was nature’s intended way. This is not a new concept. In the current dilemma of dealing with shrinking jaw size, it has brought to the forefront the importance of this issue because the upper jaw is instrumental to the formation and thus the function of the nose. As the upper jaw shrinks it creates a shape to the roof of the mouth that is tapered and highly vaulted, as opposed to being the more intended U- shape and flat configuration. As the roof becomes more highly vaulted, it impinges on the nasal space immediately above it, as the roof of the mouth is the other side of the floor of the nose. As the nasal space decreases, it encourages breathing through the mouth.
Why Is That Considered Important?
The nose is designed to condition the air we breath for more efficient use. The nose humidifies the air, filters it, slows it down and pressurizes it for better projection into the lungs. The sinus and nasal membranes deliver a chemical called Nitric Oxide which enhances immune function and dilates blood vessels. It is said that nasally conditioned air can deliver 10 -18% more oxygen to the lungs than mouth breathed air. Mouth breathing dries saliva and makes the teeth more prone to decay. It dries out the mouth soft tissues to render them more irritated.
Allergies and sinus problems tend to be more common in mouth breathers. Establishing nasal breathing, day and night, is one of the major objectives of maxillary re-development treatment. At the evaluation of one’s condition by a qualified practitioner, it is common these days to employ the practice of applying a small strip of paper surgical tape vertically from under the nose to the chin to aid in keeping one’s mouth closed while sleeping.
We Look Forward to Meeting You
For more information about how we can help you lead a healthy, active life, we invite you to call our office at 202-463-2090 and schedule an appointment at your convenience. One of our helpful front desk staff will be happy to address any questions you have in the meantime.