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New Dental Patients in Washington, DC

Welcome to our family at Phillips, Cooper & Associates! We’re not just another dental practice in Washington, DC; we’re a close-knit community prioritizing your oral health above all else. Our dedicated dentist and team are thrilled to welcome you and are committed to helping you achieve and maintain a beautiful smile. Our office is a sanctuary for individuals in search of exceptional dental care. We understand selecting a dentist is a significant decision. Be at ease knowing our team consists of seasoned professionals devoted to your family’s dental well-being. We provide a range of comprehensive family dentistry services tailored to meet the unique needs of each family member, regardless of age. Whether it’s your child’s inaugural dental visit or regular adult check-ups, we are your trusted partners in oral health. Call us today to schedule your initial consultation.

happy woman smiling

Comprehensive Dental Services

Our focus is on comprehensive dental care. We provide a range of services, from routine check-ups to complex procedures. We’re dedicated to family dentistry, prevention, restoration, and cosmetic treatments. Visit our modern facility in Washington, DC for advanced care. Education is vital for oral health. Our team will discuss your oral health, treatments, and home care. Dental care with us extends beyond the treatment chair. Check out our dental services below:

  • Routine Check-Ups and Cleanings
  • Complex Dental Procedures
  • Family Dentistry
  • Preventative Care
  • Restorative Treatments
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
happy mom with daughter

Inclusive Dental Practice

We pride ourselves on our inclusive office environment at Phillips, Cooper & Associates. We believe in providing quality dental care, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. Our commitment to inclusivity includes support for the LGBTQ community and Black Lives Matter. We respect each person’s journey and aim to create a safe, welcoming space for all patients. Diversity is our strength, and we provide personalized, compassionate care that celebrates differences while treating everyone with kindness, dignity, and respect.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Don’t wait to take the next step towards better oral health. Please schedule a consultation with our dentist today and experience the difference between comprehensive, inclusive dental care at Phillips, Cooper & Associates. We look forward to welcoming you into our dental family and helping you achieve a healthier, brighter smile. Together, we can create a treatment plan that improves oral health and boosts your confidence and overall well-being. We are here to serve you and your family and to provide the best dental care in Washington, DC. Contact us today to schedule your visit. We can’t wait to meet you!

Make an Appointment