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Dental Insurance & Financing in Washington, DC

Phillips, Cooper & Associates is here to help you navigate your dental insurance at our Washington, DC office. Dental insurance often tends to be disregarded when applying for health insurance, but it’s worth considering an increase in your policy or even adding dental to your current plan. This insurance can assist in taking care of routine check-ups and standard treatment plans. Although it won’t fully cover high-cost treatments, we are here to guide you in finding dental financing options to complete due payments. Please get in touch with our team for an in-depth discussion and to book your next appointment.

woman at dentist office

Advantages of Having Dental Insurance

Having dental insurance acts as a financial safeguard that helps you manage expenses related to dental care – costs that can escalate significantly if, for instance, you need major dental work. Some of the benefits of having dental insurance include:

  • Financial Assistance: Dental insurance mitigates the burden of high dental care costs, and although it might not cover all expenses, its assistance can be substantial.
  • Regular Care Coverage: Most dental insurance policies cover routine matters like bi-annual cleanings, examinations, and X-rays.
  • Extensive Dentist Selection: Dental insurance usually offers a broad dentist network, giving you a wide array of providers. We accept many providers.
  • Significant Savings: Dental insurance plans can provide cost savings through negotiated fees and reduced charges for dental procedures.

Financial Solutions for Dental Services

If the dental procedure is only partially covered by insurance, we at Phillips, Cooper & Associates are ready to assist you in exploring alternative financing options. We firmly believe that dental care should be affordable, and we strive to provide customized solutions based on each patient’s unique circumstances, which might include installment plans or other types of monetary arrangements. Our primary aim is to make sure all our patients get the dental care they need, regardless of what their insurance plan covers.

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