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Achieve a Stunning Smile with Dental Veneers

When you look at some celebrity smiles, you might wonder to yourself just how exactly they achieve such a perfect white smile. The answer is porcelain veneers. With these thin shells of porcelain, you can make your teeth look any shape or color you need to give you a perfect smile. We want to give you a smile that makes you feel confident, just like your favorite celebrities. Sometimes you just need one or two veneers to completely transform your smile. Find out if dental veneers are the right cosmetic dentistry option for you.

happy woman smiling at meeting

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Made of dental porcelain, veneers are thin shells that cover the front of your teeth. Phillips, Cooper & Associates can place, shape or color the veneers anyway necessary to help you achieve your smile goals. He bonds the veneers to the front of your teeth which then provide you with beautiful results from 10 to 15 years before they need a replacement. What rests underneath the veneers can be a secret between you and your cosmetic dentist. And, if you’re wondering if dental veneers will look natural on your smile, the answer is yes. Phillips, Cooper & Associates are highly trained and have an extensive background in cosmetic dentistry so they can ensure all their patients receive natural-looking results. Porcelain has similar translucence as natural teeth in the way it reflects and absorbs light. We also ensure they don’t stick out by removing part of your enamel before placement. With these precautions and choosing the right color for your smile, your veneers can look completely natural.

happy woman smiling

Are Veneers Permanent?

Unfortunately, a good set of veneers will only last you 10 to 15 years before they need replacement. The better you practice dental hygiene, the more likely they will last longer. However, dental veneers are a permanent procedure and you will always need them following your prep appointment. This is because we remove a portion of your enamel to make room for them. This means that choosing porcelain veneers is a lifelong decision. If you’re okay knowing you have to replace your veneers every 10 to 15 years, then veneers are the right choice for you!

What Cosmetic Problems Can Veneers Address?

Phillips, Cooper & Associates can craft your porcelain veneers to address problems like Chips, gaps, cracks, stained or discolored teeth, alignment, gappy smiles, irregularly shaped teeth, uneven teeth, worn-down teeth, and eroded enamel.

If you suffer from any of the above cosmetic dental problems, porcelain veneers can fix them. In just two simple appointments, you can walk away with a brand new smile! If you’re ready to see how dental veneers can transform your smile, please contact our dental office, to schedule an appointment. You can book an appointment online or give us a call at 202-463-2090.

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