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Emergency Dentistry in Washington, DC

Phillips, Cooper & Associates offers premier emergency dentistry services in Washington, DC. Emergencies can happen at any time, especially when it comes to your teeth. Prompt and effective treatment is crucial. We understand the anxiety that dental emergencies can bring and are here to provide urgent care with empathy and expertise. Emergency dentistry involves immediate dental care to save a tooth, stop tissue bleeding, ease severe pain, or treat a serious infection. Waiting for a regular appointment could increase the risk of permanent damage and the need for more extensive treatment later. Call us at the first sign of issues and allow us to improve your oral care.

elderly man at dentist office

Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can happen at any time. During normal business hours, please call us. We can usually see you within an hour. If the emergency occurs after normal business hours, your call will be directed to Dr. Cooper’s personal cell phone. Messages left on Dr. Cooper’s cell phone will be returned within the hour. Swelling and/or infection should be dealt with quickly so that small problems do not escalate. It is better to err on the side of caution. If you have a dental concern, please schedule an appointment to evaluate your area of concern. If you believe that you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, call 911. Emergency Dental Services include:

  • Root Canals: Your tooth’s nerve is removed and the canal space is cleaned out to prevent or eliminate infection. This allows us to save the tooth and minimize long-term discomfort.
  • Extractions: If the tooth is deemed unrestorable, our last option is to extract the tooth and prepare the site with a bone graft. After adequate healing, an implant can be placed in the missing tooth site.
  • Biopsy: Suspicious lesions found in the mouth can be removed and sent to an oral pathology lab to determine the type of growth.
  • Scaling and Root Planing by Quadrant
  • I&D: Swelling in the mouth can quickly turn into a life-threatening situation. If possible, we can allow for drainage of the infection and aid in the healing of the infected area.

We have Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) available for our patients on a case-by-case basis. For all dental emergencies, please call our office at 202-463-2090. If you are unable to connect with Dr. Cooper and you feel the need for medical attention please go to the nearest emergency room for care.

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The Importance of Prompt Emergency Dental Care

When dental emergencies occur, prompt care is crucial to alleviate pain and prevent further complications. Ignoring a dental emergency can lead to serious health issues, such as infection spreading to other parts of your body, loss of teeth, or even more severe systemic disease. At Phillips, Cooper & Associates, we aim to provide immediate, top-quality emergency dental care in the heart of Washington, DC. Our team is trained and equipped to handle various dental emergencies, ensuring that you receive the care you need when you need it most.

Don’t Wait, Contact Phillips, Cooper & Associates Today

Your dental health can’t wait. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency in Washington, DC, don’t hesitate to contact Phillips, Cooper & Associates immediately. We’re committed to providing swift, effective emergency dentistry services to keep your smile healthy and your mind at ease. Call us now, and take the first step towards regaining your oral health.

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