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Friendly Dental Care for Your Entire Family in Washington, DC

We understand that one of the most important factors that go into choosing a family dentist is whether or not they offer the treatments and services your entire family needs. Our office offers a full range of treatments to ensure each member of your household receives the care they need.

Our Family Dentistry Services

Dental Cleanings and Exams
Digital X-Rays
Limited/Comprehensive Exams
Periodontal Gum Therapy
Dental Fillings
Night Guards

Did You Know

19% percent of children aged 2-19 have untreated cavities. And 42% of children aged 2-11 have had a cavity in their primary teeth at some point. Don’t wait to get your child in for a visit — the sooner a cavity is detected, the less damage it can do.

If your family is looking for a family dentist in the Metropolitan area or is overdue for an appointment, please book an appointment with Phillips, Cooper & Associates by calling 202-463-2090.

Make an Appointment