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A Stable Solution for Renewing Your Smile

If you’ve lost teeth due to an accident, injury, or disease, we can help you create a permanent bridge to restore your smile. A bridge fills the gap caused by your missing tooth and can also prevent the repositioning of remaining teeth. Other benefits include aligning your bite, improving chewing and speech, and giving you a more youthful appearance. Phillips, Cooper & Associates have helped thousands of people find solutions for missing teeth and would love to help you, too. We will consider your unique situation and health to help you determine what type of bridge is best.

happy smiling man

What Is a Dental Bridge?

There are two types of dental bridges — fixed and implant-supported. In both types, a prosthetic tooth “bridges the gap” left by a missing tooth and attaches to one or both sides of the surrounding teeth. A fixed bridge is permanently joined onto the neighboring crowned teeth. An implant-supported bridge uses an implant to help maintain the stability of the bridge.

Some advantages of dental bridges include:

  • Prevent bone loss and a “sunken face”
  • Permanent and durable
  • Made from biocompatible material
  • Fixed in place-unlike removable dentures

What’s a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are essentially caps for your teeth that serve both cosmetic as well as restorative purposes. They can strengthen teeth that have severe tooth decay, or teeth that have several large fillings. Dental crowns can also replace missing teeth or serve as anchors for dental bridges to replace missing teeth. Lastly, they can improve the shape and appearance of a tooth.

If your tooth has become so weak that it can no longer hold a filling, it’s cracked beyond repair, or you just had a large root canal, dental crowns can protect your tooth from further damage.

The purpose of a dental crown is to provide an existing tooth with the strength and structure it needs to obtain optimal health. By restoring your tooth back to health, you can prevent it from being extracted. In addition, dental crowns serve as the perfect option for replacing missing teeth.

Whether you need to restore your tooth back to strength or replace a missing tooth, nothing compares to our beautiful and natural appearing dental crowns. We provides patients with full porcelain crowns, although there are other options available like gold allow, porcelain fused to metal and dental composite. Our all-porcelain crowns look completely natural and give patients the strength of a natural tooth.

happy elderly couple at the park

Benefits of Crowns

  • Chipped teeth
  • Teeth with large fillings
  • Severely worn teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Severely discolored teeth
  • A tooth that has had a root canal
  • Teeth on either side of a dental bridge
  • Tooth with fractured fillings

Some advantages of dental crowns include:

  • Look amazing
  • Durable an functional
  • Expertly crafted from biocompatible material
  • Protect your teeth from future damage

You’re in Good Hands With Phillips, Cooper & Associates

Phillips, Cooper & Associates are a nationally recognized cosmetic dentists with more than 30 years of experience. They have helped thousands of people fix damaged teeth with the help of their expertly crafted dental crowns. If you’re ready to transform your smile, improve functionality, and enjoy better oral health, contact Phillips, Cooper & Associates to schedule a consultation for dental crowns. Please call 202-463-2090 or schedule an appointment online today.

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